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How much would a ticket cost?

5,40€ per half-days of attendance i.e.:

1 ticket      €5.40
2 tickets    €10.80
3 tickets    €16.20
4 tickets    €21.60
5 tickets    €27.00
6 tickets    €32.40
7 tickets    €37.80


Who is eligible for the services of the family room?

The family room is reserved for the children of current Members of the European Parliament and children of officials or other staff of the European Parliament when they are in Strasbourg

(a) during Parliament session weeks or for any other reason in connection with their parliamentary work (Members)

(b) on mission away from their normal place of work (officials or other staff ).


How old are the children at the Family Room ?

To be admitted, children must be aged over three months and under six years.

What should we bring to the Family Room?

Nothing special – we provide meals, baby nappies, hygiene products.
It is recommended to bring a change of clothes.


Who is entitled to pick up the child?

Children should be handed over personally to a member of staff by the person or persons legally responsible for them or by a person authorised to do so, provided that a e-mail has been addressed to the family room manager ( with the complete name of the person.
Children may not be dropped off or collected during mealtimes and the rest period.

My child is sick – will he/she welcomed at the Family Room?

If your child is sick – you should consult a physician who will consider if your child is in a position to come back to the family room without risk of infection for the other children. A medical certification should be handed over to the family room staff.

Allergic children

Parents should inform the family room manager in case the child suffers from allergies.

Who is responsible for processing my data in the framework of data protection?

The Head of Working Time and Child Care Facilities unit (Directory for Personnal) is reponsible for the processing.

Note: You can view the bank account details by clicking on the following link, Bank account details.