You wish to register your child at the Wayenberg crèche?
Please log in, complete the form and attach your documents online.
An EU Login account is required to enroll in the European Parliament's crèches. If you do not have an EU Login account, please create one before you start.
For this registration, you will need the following documents:
- Signed registration form;
- A copy of the child's birth certificate or medical certificate proving min. 22 weeks of pregnancy;
- A copy of the paying parent’s employment contract;
- A copy of the paying parent's pay slip including mention of child allowances;
- The signed medical rules and authorisation for emergency measures.
And depending on your personal situation, if applicable:
- A copy of your spouse's or partner's contract of employment;
- A copy of the spouse’s or partner's pay slip;
- Divorce ruling;
- Proof of alimony;
- For a single parent (priority 1): a certificate proving your family circumstances - official document listing the members of your household (composition de ménage), divorce ruling, alimony decision.
Please note that the parent who registers his/her child at the Wayenberg crèche must be the paying parent.
The paying parent is:
- either the parent who works for the European Parliament, if at least one of the two parents works for the EP,
- or the parent who works for the European Parliament and who receives the higher salary, if both parents work for the EP.
Please note that registrations are processed in chronological order, i.e. on the date of receipt of the registration request by the Childcare Facilities Service.
The institution for which the paying parent works does not affect the order in which applications are processed or the allocation of a place in the crèche.
The processing of personal data of users of the European Parliament crèches registration site is carried out in compliance with current regulations on the protection of personal data.
If you have any questions, please contact us at the email address: crechesbruxelles@ep.europa.eu.