Medical and security procedures
Rules governing the crèches and nursery sections run under the supervision of the European Parliament Crèches Service in Brussels which entered into force on 6 December 2023 (including note to parents concerning data protection information).
Medical Rules
Rules Family room Brussels
Rules governing the family roomRèglement de la salle familiale
Privacy Statement
DEENFRParent's note DEParent's note ENParent's note FR
Last update: 6 December 2023
Contagious illnesses
In the event of a contagious illness, it is the paediatrician’s responsibility to take the necessary precautions: informing parents, temporarily removing the children, overseeing the closure of the section, etc.
No child who is deemed by the paediatrician or nurses to be ill or contagious may be kept at the crèche.
If a child becomes ill at the crèche, the nurses will notify the parents by telephone. The parents must then come to collect their child no later than the time specified by the medical team.
If a child becomes ill or contagious at home, they may not be brought to the crèche.
If a child has a temperature which exceeds 38.5°C, they may only return to the crèche at least 24 hours after their high temperature has subsided.
If a child suffers from a bout of gastroenteritis, they may only return to the crèche once their bowel movements have returned to normal.
These rules must be followed, not only to prevent contagious illnesses from spreading, but also to avoid complications for a child who will have been weakened by illness.
We understand that these measures may be a constraint for parents, but it is the quickest way to prevent contagious illnesses from spreading between children and persisting over time.
Therefore, we ask parents to strictly adhere to the instructions given by the crèche’s medical team.
Administration of medicines at the crèche
Medicines for which a prescription is required may only be administered to children at the crèche if a written request from the family doctor, which clearly states the name of the medicine, the dosage and the duration of the treatment, is presented.
The medicine in question must be listed in the Belgian compendium and still be in its original packaging. Medicines must be supplied in their original blister packs (no pill boxes). Liquid medicine must be supplied unopened.
Medicine that has been prescribed in a language other than French, Dutch or English, or whose chemical composition is not precisely described, cannot be administered at the crèche.
What to do if an illness is reported at the crèche
What to do in case of illness is reported at the crèche
Access to the crèche/dropping off or picking up a child
Access to the crèche is restricted and subject to prior authorisation by the Crèches Service. Children can only be dropped off and picked up by individuals who are duly authorised and registered with the crèche secretariat. The security staff will have a copy of this list. This means that no child can leave the crèche with someone who is not registered with the crèche secretariat.
Any person authorised to drop off/pick up a child must first be registered by the parents with the crèche secretariat.
Security Staff
DG SAFE staff are responsible for the security of the crèche. Therefore, we ask anyone entering the building to follow the security guards’ instructions from the moment that they enter the crèche car park.
Parents must present their access badge. Security guards are entitled to ask for a badge, a form of ID and the child’s name. These rules may seem strict, but they are essential to ensure the safety of the children.
Fire and rescue service
The European Parliament ensures that a firefighter is on hand to administer first aid and organise the evacuation of the building if necessary during the crèche’s opening hours.
Staff training in security procedures
All staff are taught the evacuation procedures and drills are regularly organised. The Crèches Service discusses the results of these drills with the relevant staff in DG SAFE. Adjustments are then made where necessary.