1. Refunds for annual leave will amount to an automatic 10% reduction in the monthly contribution. These absences do not give rights to further reimbursement.
2. For absences due to illness, covered by a medical certificate and longer than five consecutive working days, a refund will be paid from the sixth working day (one working day = 1/20th of the monthly contribution). The request for a refund must include a medical certificate to be sent to the Childcare Facilities Service within 15 calendar days of the child’s return. During the summer months, absences due to illness will not be reimbursed beyond 10 working days.
3. For absences of at least five consecutive working days because parents are on mission (except missions to Strasburg lasting less than 5 days), a refund is payable, provided that a refund request is submitted to the Childcare Facilities Service within 15 calendar days of the child’s return.
In order to be reimbursed for your child's absence due to illness or your mission, please fill in the requisite form and enclose the necessary annexes (original medical prescription, signed mission order upon completed mission). Please do not forget to sign the form before sending it to the Childcare Facilities Service (by email to crechesbruxelles@europarl.europa.eu or by post to MONTOYER 63 - 03S025).
You can donwload the reimbursement request form here: