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How much would the monthly contribution cost?


Fees are calculated on the basis of the family's net income per month. Fees are calculated as a percentage of the total income of the household :

  • 9% for a household with one dependent child,
  • 7% for a household with two dependent children,
  • 6% for a household with three dependent children,
  • 5% for a household with four or more dependent children.

A reduction in the fee of 25% is granted for a second child (or more) enrolled at the crèche.

Is the contribution level capped?


Yes, the ceiling for 2025 is EUR 1.441,73.

How is the payment made?


Payment of fees shall be made via automatic deductions from the monthly salary of officials and other agents and invoiced for Members.

I am a single parent and have the full charge of my child. How is my contribution calculated?


The monthly contribution is calculated on the basis of your net revenue.

My partner has lost his/her job: does this affect the contribution level?


Of course! In such a case, please submit documentary proof of the change of circumstances without delay to the Childcare Facilities Service.

I am not married with the father/mother of the child but we live in the same household. How is my contribution calculated?


The monthly contribution is calculated on the basis of the net revenue of both parents, regardless of their civil status.

The father/mother of the child is not domiciled at the same address as me. How is my contribution calculated?


In the case of a divorce, the monthly contribution is calculated on the basis of the net revenue of the staff member plus the eventual allowances that they receive from the other parent.
If there is other reason for having different addresses (for example work) the monthly contribution is calculated on the basis of the net income of both parents.

My partner pays maintenance for the child/children of a former marriage and/or to his/her former spouse: can the amount(s) in question be deducted from our income for purposes of calculating our contribution?


These payments are taken into account when the contribution is calculated.

Am I entitled to reimbursement of contributions for periods of annual leave?


The annual leaves are directly deducted (reduction of 10%) of your monthly fee. It is not necessary to send us requests for reimbursement of annual leaves.

Can my child attend the crèche on a part-time basis ?


Having regards to the high demand, we are unable to offer part-time places. Even in case of part-time attendance, the parent will be charged full time.

The Wayenberg crèche

Does the Parliament have its own crèche?


Yes, the European Parliament has its own crèche in Brussels, the crèche Wayenberg.

May I visit the crèche before I apply for a place?


For security reasons, only those parents whose child a place has already been attributed to may visit the crèche.

From and until what age are children admitted to the crèche?


Children shall be admitted to the crèche from the age of three months until  31 August of the calendar year in which they reach the age of three.
From this age on and until the age of admission to the nursery section of the European School* children can be admitted to the nursery sections in the limit of the places available.
Requests for admission to the nursery sections should be submitted before the end of September in the year which precedes the calendar year when the child will be three years old.


* Admission to the nursery section of the European School takes place at the beginning of the school year in September of the calendar year in which the child reaches 4 years of age.

Is there medical supervision in the crèche?


Yes. The crèche paediatrician checks the children’s health at predetermined intervals. A nurse is present at all times when the crèche is open. The paediatrician monitors the children’s health and alerts the parents when a medical problem is suspected.

Do I still need to visit the paediatrician of the family?


Yes. The crèche paediatrician does not diagnose, treat or follow up children’s illnesses. If a child is ill, it is up to the parents to consult their regular doctor.
Moreover, the crèche paediatrician makes no medical visit outside the crèche (home, hospital etc).

Register / Apply

Who is eligible for the services of the crèches?


The crèches are reserved for the children of Members and of officials and other agents of the European Parliament whose place of work is Brussels. 'Other agents' refers to temporary agents, contractual agents or accredited parliamentary assistants having a contract of at least 12 months full time work at the probable admission date of the child concerned. For staff whose place of work is not Brussels, please see the questions concerning the family room. 
Places may also be offered to the children of freelance agents, subject to availability.

How do I apply for a place in the crèches for my child?


The registration forms are available online.

When can I apply for a place in the crèches for my child?


Requests for admission to the crèche may be submitted no earlier than the 22nd week of pregnancy, as substantiated by a certificate from a gynaecologist, and, where possible three months before the probable date of entry.

How are the places attributed?


All decisions concerning admission of a child to the crèche are made by the Management Committee. The parents whose child has been attributed a place receive a written confirmation offer, which they may accept or reject.

Do I have priority for a crèche place if I have an older child already enrolled at the crèche?


Places shall be allocated on the basis of criterias in accordance with the Rules and the principle of keeping siblings together cannot be applied.

Are children enrolled automatically in the nursery section or do I need to apply for enrolment?


Applications for admission to the nursery sections must be submitted to the Childcare Facilities Service before the end of September of the year preceding the calendar year in which the child reaches the age of three. 

Status change

What happens if, after accepting the offer of a place, I wish to postpone the date of entry of my child in the crèche?


If a child has been attributed a place, any postponement thereafter will lead to the place being lost, together with the right to priority.

In case of change of circumstances, when should I notify the crèche service?


The rules require that any change of circumstances be declared within 15 calendar days.

I am about to change my work arrangements (e.g. to go part-time or to take unpaid leave): am I entitled to a reduction in the contribution level?


Only if the change of work arrangements applies for more than three months.

I am going through divorce/separation proceedings. Will my new family circumstances be taken into account?


Of course, provided that they are officially documented. In this case, please provide the supporting documents as soon as possible to the Childcare Facilities Service

Withdrawal and absences

I would like to withdraw my child from the crèche temporarily without losing the place. Is this possible?


The child shall lose his/her place if he/she is absent for more than two months (in case of parental leave).

My child is sick. Will I get a reimbursement for the days not spent in the crèche?


Periods of absence of more than five consecutive working days which are covered by a medical certificate are refunded from the sixth working day (1 working day=1/20th of the parental contribution).

What about other absences?


Reimbursements for annual leave will amount to an automatic 10% reduction of the monthly contribution. A refund is paid when the child is absent for at least five consecutive working days because his/her parents are on mission, provided that the Childcare Facilities Service has been informed.

What happens if I have to take my child to Strasbourg? Will that absence be reimbursed?


Missions to Strasbourg of less than five days are reimbursed once carried out, according to the completed mission order which should be annexed to the reimbursement form. Staff members sent on mission to Strasbourg during the part-session week may take their children aged from three months to six years to be looked after in the family room.
It is located on the first floor of the Winston Churchill building and can accommodate up to 35 children.

What shall I do if I want to withdraw my child from the crèche?


Where parents plan to withdraw a child from the crèche, one month's notice must be given in writing to the crèche and a copy must be sent to the Childcare Facilities Service. In such cases, the parental contribution shall be payable up to the child's last day of attendance.

What happens if I do not respect the one month's notice?


In the event of a failure to give notice in writing in due time, the parental contribution shall remain payable for a further month after the departure of the child.

Life at the crèche


Is there provision for a settling-in period?


Settling-in takes place the three first days of a child's first week, the arrangements being made by agreement and in conjunction with the director of the crèche.

Can I modify the schedule planned for the settling-in?


A settling-in schedule will be explained to you during your meeting with the crèche directors as well as in a brochure that you will receive. However, it can be adapted to each person's situation if there is a specific need.

My child is very sociable and will not need a settling-in period, is this possible?


Children are different at home and outside. The settling-in period is a transition and allows the child to gradually adapt in complete emotional security in your presence.

What are the meetings before settling-in for?


The meetings are to prepare your child's entry to the crèche. This also allows you to think about the best way to prepare your child: weaning, “doudou”, etc.


I wish my child would not nap. Is it possible?


It is important for children to have a moment of rest during their day at the crèche: it is a break, a time to assimilate the learning of the morning, a recovery phase... However, this break time is limited to 45 minutes. After this time, children who are not sleeping have the opportunity to read books or do calm activities with a member of the team while the other children are sleeping. To us, this mode of operation is the most respectful for children and their pace.

I want my child to be awake at a certain time. Is it possible?


It is not possible to wake up children at a specific time, in order to respect everyone's sleep cycles and so that everyone wakes up in a good mood. Furthermore, it is possible that from one day to the next, your child's sleep pattern changes depending on the night he or she spent or the activity of the day.

Is there supervision during naps?


Yes, caretakers come through the dormitories every ten minutes to check that the children are sleeping peacefully.


I do not like plastic baby bottles. Could you use a glass baby bottle for my child?


For safety reasons, glass baby bottles are not used at the Wayenberg crèche.

How are baby bottles prepared?


The bottles are prepared by the crèche’s dietitian with water at room temperature. They are then heated before being given, in order to respect the cold chain.

My child has a food allergy; will this be taken into account?


A dietician is present at the Wayenberg crèche to support you throughout your child's stay. An appointment before your child’s entry is scheduled. You can then discuss his/her allergy. Furthermore, she remains available to meet you at any time during your child's stay.

It is my child's birthday. Can I bring a birthday cake for him/her to celebrate at the crèche?


No, that is not possible. Birthday cakes are always prepared by the kitchen team for reasons of traceability, allergic risks prevention in certain children and nutritional balance. Furthermore, birthday parties are grouped together, to have only one at most per week and per section and thus limit sugar consumption.

Can I bring a snack when I pick up my child?


This is unfortunately not possible because the circulation of food between the crèche and the outside is strictly forbidden: no food coming from outside is authorized, for reasons of traceability, allergic risks prevention in certain children and nutritional balance. In addition, children already receive a snack prepared by our dietitian.


Are toys cleaned regularly?


Toys are steam cleaned regularly. Furthermore, in the event of an epidemic in a section, cleaning is reinforced.

In the event of an epidemic, what protocol is put in place?


During an epidemic, a specific protocol is put in place by the paediatrician. It is communicated to you by email. It may differ depending on the epidemic in question.


Can I bring toys for activities organized at the crèche?


It is not necessary to bring material for the activities organized at the crèche. All toys and educational materials are provided by the Parliament or by the crèche manager. From time to time, the caretakers may ask you for a costume for your child, for Carnival for example, or for recycled materials, such as egg cartons, for crafts.

Life in community

Can I enter the crèche with my stroller?


For hygiene reasons, strollers are not allowed inside the building. Storage locations are therefore provided in the two garages.

I cannot find my stroller where I left it. What should I do?


This kind of inconvenience can unfortunately happen. Very often, it is a misunderstanding and the stroller quickly reappears. If you cannot find your stroller, we invite you to immediately inform the crèche directors. Furthermore, please never leave valuable items in your strollers. Neither the Parliament nor the manager of the crèche can be held responsible if personal belongings disappear.

My child wants to bring a small toy from home, is this possible?


We do not recommend it. Toys brought from home are often a source of conflict between children because it is complicated to share a personal object.

The family room

Does the Parliament have a solution for parents coming to Brussels for a mission?


Yes. The Wayenberg crèche also includes a family room, which accommodates children temporarily in Brussels accompanying their parent(s) on mission to Parliament.

My child does not normally attend the EP crèche. Can I use the family room for temporary childminding?


Yes. The crèche Wayenberg offers a family room for children aged between three months and four years, subject to the availability of places. You should register in advance using the appropriate form and bring the proof of payment.

How much does the familly room cost and how should I pay?


The price is currently € 23 per half day (8.00 - 13.30 and 13.30 - 19.00). 

The payment must be made by bank transfer into Parliament's bank account IBAN BE44 3101 0769 5045.You should indicate on the transfer form the words "Crèche Family Room", the name of the child as well as the number of half-days to be spent in the family room.

For admission at the crèche, a copy of the bank transfer must be presented on the very first day of your child's stay at the secretariat of the crèche (WAY 3W070).

Will the period spent by my child in the family room in Strasbourg be deemed automatically as time spent in the crèche in Brussels?


No, the crèche administration in Brussels must be duly notified that the child goes with the parent on mission and it is the parent's responsibility to reserve a place in the family room in Strasbourg. Reservations must be made in advance using the appropriate form (Inscription Form) which must be sent to the following address:

After the crèche

Where can I find information about European schools and after-school childcare?


You can find all information on European schools and after-school childcare on the intranet site of the European Commission.


Who is responsible for processing my data in the framework of data protection ?


The Head of the Working Time and Childcare Facilities Unit (Directorate-General for Personnel) is responsible for the processing (see page about Rules).