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Educational Project

Educational Project

Our goals

The educational project incorporates the fundamental principles that guide the action of educational staff with children:

• Multicultural welcome, openness to dialogue with parents
• Respect for the child, his pace of life, his individual needs and his habits
• Emotional and physical security and comfort
• Awakening and fulfillment
• Freedom of choice and movement

The principles, values and objectives of our pedagogy are summarized in the crèche charter.

Charter of the Creche CPE2

Our principles

The key principles underlying our educational approach at the crèche are:

* Inclusion

The European Parliament crèches are particularly committed to promoting a policy of inclusion for all children.

While the concept of integration would aim to adapt the child to the reception structure, the concept of inclusion reverses the paradigm: it is a question of adapting the environment in the broad sense (infrastructure and staff) to needs of all children, not only children with disabilities, but all children, regardless of their individual, social, cultural or other characteristics.

Our teams are therefore invited to develop pedagogical approaches which value diversity and which endeavor to create an environment centered on needs, but also on the skills of each child, in order to encourage them to become actors, unique and recognized, of its own development.

* Following the child’s biological rhythm

All babies have their own waking/sleeping patterns and their own times for being hungry, depending on many individual variables. By allowing themselves to be guided by the signals given by each child (signs of hunger, tiredness or interest in his or her surroundings) and not imposing a time for eating, sleeping etc., adults can fall in with the child’s own rhythm.

Gradually, babies begin to adopt a common physiological pattern of their own accord (usually after the first year). They show signs of tiredness towards the end of the morning and are ready for a nap after lunch.

* Following the child’s pace of development

Although the order of development stages is basically the same in all children, each child goes through the different stages of development at his or her own pace. Educative interventions by adults must be in tune with the child’s actual stage of development.

* Following and reinforcing the child’s own initiatives

Children of all ages are passionate explorers, manipulators, investigators and questioners of the behaviour of objects, their own bodies and the world around them, and love to experiment with the effects of their own actions. The quality of these activities and their positive outcomes in the construction of thought, intelligence and self-confidence will be much greater if the action is initiated and performed by the child itself. It is therefore very important in interacting with young children to “propose” activities rather than “imposing” them. The children will join in if they want to; otherwise they can choose a different activity or toy.

* Respecting the child’s autonomy

By allowing themselves to be guided by the child’s activities, the childcare workers provide an active presence alongside the child, but do not impose a set way of handling or exploring the toys. Sometimes we tend to think that we should show children how a toy or game “works”, but by doing this we deprive them of the pleasure of discovering, of finding out for themselves, of giving free rein to their curiosity and imagination.

By constantly observing the children’s activities, the childcare worker will decide whether or not to intervene to help surmount a difficulty, resolve a conflict or share in the delight of a discovery or a success. Little by little, the children will feel encouraged to decide for themselves how a game is to unfold, while always observing the rules and limits of living together in their group (not disturbing the others, putting away toys when the game is over, etc.).

By encouraging autonomy, we invite the children to take part in every aspect of crèche life. Day to day activities present the children with ideal situations in which to become independent – participating in meals from an early age, washing and undressing themselves, helping make their beds, helping give out plates to the other children, etc


As part of the teaching of playful roaming, the educational team offers every day different types of activities related to the development of children:

In babies, manipulation and motor skills are available in the various play areas.

For adults, 6 themed play areas are developed each day:

  • Motor activities: gross motor skills (moving, climbing, jumping, etc.),
  • Building games with builders
  • Manipulation activities among researchers
  • Activities around language among readers
  • Role playing among actors
  • Creative activities among creators

In conclusion, all situations are educational opportunities that are of enormous importance for the overall and harmonious development of your children.


To regard the child as an individual and to respect him necessarily implies respect for his culture and in particular his language. This principle is even more important in the multicultural and multilingual environment which is that of our crèche. The crèche's population includes many nationalities and some children live in a bilingual, even trilingual, family environment.

French is used as the main language. English is practiced with parents if they wish. Other languages are valued as much as possible in individual adult / child relationships - our staff also reflect a wide linguistic diversity.


Partnership with the parents

Each group of the crèche is a place open to the parents of the children of this group. The relationship between the educational team and each parent is conceived as a partnership with the complementarity of roles and skills, aimed at the development and well-being of the child. Everything is being done to gradually establish a relationship of trust, a beneficial situation for the child, who is reassured by the agreement existing between his parents and his nursery nurses.

Regular dialogue with parents, based on respect and the dynamics of each family, constitutes a fundamental starting point for understanding family educational action, for creating a spirit of collaboration and sharing of responsibility .

In addition to daily contact at reception and at departure, group meetings for parents are regularly organized.

The director is the first point of contact for parents. The crèche service also remains anxious to answer any questions.

The adaptation period

The child's adaptation to the crèche is done for a week, or even longer if necessary, or before the child's final admission. Daily contact between parents, management and childcare workers will help refine this period according to the child's needs.

The adaptation has 2 phases:

  • The transition phase: during this period, one of the parents can stay with the child.
  • The adaptation phase: The child goes slowly, with the help of the adult, to observe, listen, watch, get to know their new living environment, adults and other children, then participate in life. creche.


The management, the medical service and the nursery nurses are at your disposal for any further exchange of views. Compliance with these few recommendations will allow a harmonious collective life.